Worst. Mother. Ever.

Description: Once again we turn to Yahoo Answers for some comedic relief. This one is most likely fake, but fear not, you can still pretend it's real! Or failing that, laugh at the answers.

Views: 52734 Date: 10/21/09 Favorited: 1 -

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Really you can't think the mother is totally in the wrong (other than maybe coming too strong) if you enjoy looking at girls in the adult business. If you support the adult industry by looking at the material then you should support parents who encourage their children to go into the business. If you don't think girls should be going into the adult business with the support of their families then you shouldn't be supporting that business by looking at their material. Of course I believe that the children should ultmately make their own carer choices.
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I wonder if Yahoo's repot abuse would work for reporting the mother for tryin to pimp her daughter out if its real. If not thats a really good troll for looking at peoples reaction to the industry.
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Very first answer is well thought out and expressed and non-judgemental. My experience with y! answers is that most of the respondents are screaming ninnies, but not this one...
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I had a male business partner a few years ago that was actively doing everything he could to screw up his kid's chances to do anything with his life other than attending same (lousy) state college that he went to. When the kid applied to better schools, his Father even refused to drive the kid to the campus for meet and greet days and such. Everyone around him was appalled that a parent would basically bully their kid into life altering choices for self interest. I finally had a talk with him (that involved some pretty strong language) and it worked itself out when the kid decided to go into the military (hoping to spite the parent) then put himself through a college of his own choosing using his benefits. I'm always amazed when parent fail to see what they're doing when they do this sort of thing.

If the original post isn't just a wonderfully well crafted troll, then that Mom desperately needs someone to grab her by the shoulders and shake her back into reality. As Bugs would say, "Whatta ultramaroon".
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Mom, is that you?
Shadowldd replied:
Yes son
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I see no problem with this!
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actually its a mother. her user name is Tara. and they call her lady in one of the comments. that aside, horrible parent. would've expected it more from a father tho...mothers are usually less inclined to do things sorts of things..i think...altho i havent seen one of these posted about a dad doing this so i guess its 1/0 womens lead. lol
mOOse replied:
oops, thanks.. i corrected it.